
Publish to the web through Power BI

4 de February de 2020

With the Power BI Publish to Web option, you can easily insert interactive online views of Power BI, such as WEB Page into DSPLAY. It is also possible to easily edit, update or unshare published visuals.

The following steps describe how to use the Publish to the Web feature.

1.Open a report in your workspace that you can edit and select File> Publish to the Web.

2. Examine the contents of the dialog and select Create an insertion code.

3. Read the notice, as shown here, and confirm that the data is correct to be entered on a public website. If so, select Publish.

4.A dialog box appears with a link for you to insert in the media type WEB Page of the DSPLAY.

5.If you previously created an insertion code for a report and selected the Publish to the web feature, you will not see the dialog boxes in steps 2 through 4. Instead, the Insertion code dialog box will appear:

Note: You can create only one insertion code for each report.